Virtual Reality (XR) scene made for research, development, and testing environment to help prepare for the experiences and situations that will be encountered on Mars. Solution focus on particular extravehicular activity (EVA) scenarios that will be used to test procedures and plan for conditions while on Mars.
Created new assets (antenna - fully rigged and animated, markers and field determinant) and scenario based on deployment antenna communication system and changing weather for the new Mars XR Operations Support System (XOSS) environment, using Epic Games' Unreal Engine 5.

Marta Sołtysiak - Captain, Producer, Animator
Matylda Gurne - Innovator, Art Director, Concept Artist
Krzysztof Kowalski - Enginner, Technical Specialist

Antenna - the main asset
Fully rigged and animated in Autodesk Maya
Concept Art, Modeling and Textures: Matylda Gurne

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